Vote YES for school budget March 30

Dear Editor:
Education in the state of New Jersey is under attack. Hoboken, in particular, because it is a ‘high income, high tax’ district, which is ‘above adequacy’ according to Governor Christie’s administration, has been targeted. The school budget, which we will be asked to vote on in April reflects a draconian cut of state aid – 5 percent of the total budget. Much of the aid loss will be absorbed by the sudden retirement of just about all the district’s senior staff. This week the State Assembly passed legislation that will reduce pensions, health benefits, sick leave and disability benefits for all current and future school employees who do not retire by August 1st. At the same time, the state did not make mandated payments into the pension fund and has not done so for most of the last 15 years! If this were the private sector, the people responsible would have gone to jail. Hoboken Interim Business Administrator, Mr. Davis, should be commended for his excellent effort to navigate the financial scenario and to present the best possible budget to the Board of Education. Although politics divides us, we ALL need to rally behind a YES vote on the school budget. The budget hearing is slated for March 30.

Theresa Burns

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