
Question: In high school baseball, can an outfielder use a first baseman’s mitt? Is it legal if this mitt is used during a play?
Answer: There is no distinction between a glove or mitt provided it meets the max specifications. Catcher’s glove/mitt may be any size. (Rule 1, Sec. 3, Art. 6)
Question: In high school softball, are multi-covered gloves/mitt allowed?
Answer: two toned colored gloves are allowed; any glove entirely white/gray or optic color illegal. Laces on gloves may be any color except that of the ball being used. Penalty-remove illegal glove from game and issue team warning to head coach. Next offense, restrict offender and head coach to bench. (Rule 1, Sec. 4, Art. 2-5; Rule 3-5-1; Rule 3-6-1) * If illegal glove is used to make the play, coach has choice of penalty or accepting result of play. (Rule 8, Sec. 8, Art. 15)


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