
Question: In high school baseball, catcher has ball and runner attempts to avoid tag by diving over catcher. Baserunner somersaults over catcher and tags homeplate as catcher misses tag. Legal play?
Answer: Illegal play; runner is called out and ball remains live unless interference occurs. (BB – Rule 8, Sec. 4, Art. 2(d) )
Question: In high school baseball and softball, runners on third and second; one out; batter singles as lead runner misses homeplate, but following runner legally touches home. Is lead runner allowed to return and touch home? Is lead runner automatically out for missing plate?
Answer: Runner from third is not permitted to return because following runner scored. Lead runner is not out for missing base until properly appealed by defense. (BB – Rule 8, Sec. 2, Art. 6(d); SB – Rule 2-1-6(c) ) If no appeal, run scores.


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