Police raise money for Special Olympics

Department hosts second annual charity softball game

The North Bergen Police Department’s fundraising efforts for this year’s New Jersey Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics are well underway, with $6,000 already having been donated for the cause.
This weekend, the department was scheduled to run their main event for the cause, the second Annual Charity Special Olympics Softball Tournament.
Last year’s tournament helped raise $5,000, increasing the total money they raised that year to nearly $19,000. Last year, the NBPD was the seventh in the state for their efforts.


“It gives athletes with intellectual disabilities, regardless of their level of ability or age, the chance to participate.” – Robert Dowd

The New Jersey Law Enforcement Torch Run is a statewide campaign coordinated and managed by law enforcement agencies through the state, in which various police departments hand off a torch to each other as they make their way through the Garden State. The torch ultimately lands at the annual Special Olympics.

The Special Olympics

The New Jersey Special Olympics has close to 21,000 volunteers in the organization that help train and coach children with disabilities. The children then compete once a year in statewide sports events. This year, the Special Olympics will be held at the College of New Jersey, located in Ewing, N.J. on June 11-13.
Capt. Robert Dowd said that although the economy has been poor, he hopes that people will donate to a charity where 90 cents of every dollar goes directly to athletes participating, rather than administrative costs.
“It gives athletes with intellectual disabilities, regardless of their level of ability or age, the chance to participate in sports or activities where many are not able to,” said Dowd.

This year’s tournament

Sgt. Henry Marrero helped organize the softball tournament, which was scheduled to be held in James J. Braddock Park’s baseball diamonds across from Bruins Stadium on Saturday, May 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The North Bergen Police, the North Bergen Department of Public Works, Jersey City Police, West New York Police, Union City Police, the Hudson County Sheriff’s Department, Hudson County’s Correction Officers, Walmart, Applebee’s, and an independent team led by North Bergen Officer Frank Mena, were the 10 teams scheduled to play against one another. Marrero said he is thankful for the teams’ $250 donations, which will go toward the Special Olympics.
The event was slated to include a food stand offering barbeque, burgers, hot dogs and beverages for sale. The proceeds were to be donated as well. Food was donated by Shoprite and Applebee’s, while Beverage Plus donated soda and water. Live music and activities were also planned.
“The children are handicapped, but in reality they can function, just in a different environment,” said Marrero. “They are human, just like you and I. That’s why I work so hard to make it a nice day.”
Dowd said that event is possible also due to the help of Patrol Commander Lt. James Somers, Lt. Bernadette Gonyuo and Sgt. Tim Faranda.

Time to fundraise

Dowd said that the police have already received a $2,000 donation from Walmart and a $3,360 donation from the faculty and staff of North Bergen High School, who organized a “dress down” day in which each teacher donated $5 in order to dress informally for school. That amount was a record donation for the school.
To donate funds to NBPD for the Special Olympics Torch Run, drop off a check written out to the New Jersey Special Olympics at the North Bergen Police desk. The address is 4233 John F. Kennedy Blvd., North Bergen, NJ, 07047. Or send a check to the Police Department addressed to Capt. Robert Dowd. Donations are welcome until Aug. 15.
Tricia Tirella may be reached at TriciaT@hudsonreporter.com.

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