Proposal for new high school in Braddock Park must not go forward

Dear Editor: Building a new high school in North Hudson’s Braddock Park is a terrible idea and should be abandoned. The notion that it would only take up 7 percent of the park area is ludicrous. This 7 percent would just be the area occupied by the actual building. Students would be swarming over the park after school. The added stress in terms of numbers of people, litter, loitering, potential crime, etc. would be devastating to a relatively small park. Woodcliff Lake would cease to be a place where people could walk quietly in the afternoon or during lunch hour. It would be overrun by the students. There are many other options available to meet the school crisis. The most obvious, and undoubtedly least expensive, would be to build on to the existing high school. Also, there are other possibilities such as the area around 51st and Kennedy Blvd., different locations around Tonnelle Avenue and certainly, many, many others can be found. If county, town and school officials allow Braddock Park to be ruined, which it will be if this school is built, the people of Hudson County and North Bergen will never forgive them. We need leaders who will defend the far too few parks and open spaces we have. This proposal simply cannot be defended and it must not go forward. William and Jean McClelland


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