North Bergen teen is just dying to meet Betty White!

NORTH BERGEN AND BEYOND – TV sit-com veteran Betty White is popular with the young and old – as was made clear in a recent Facebook campaign to get her to host Saturday Night Live (which ultimately, she did.) Now, some local teens have started a Facebook campaign so that their friend Johnny, 16 — a rising junior at High Tech High School — can meet former “Golden Girls” actress before she…er…is not around anymore.
The website is located HERE.
Melissa Grund of North Bergen wrote, “I am writing to you because I want your help! My son Johnny who is 16 years old is a die-hard fan of the Golden Girls and he has been his entire life thanks to me since I always had him watch it with me. He wants so badly to meet Betty White and is afraid she will pass away and he will never have his chance of meeting at least 1 Golden Girl. His friends have created a Facebook page to help him meet her. I would love for you guys to run a story and help in making his DREAM COME TRUE!!! Thanks so much! I plan to share this with other papers and talk shows but wanted to reach out first to the Hudson Reporter!!”
In an interview Friday, Johnny Garcia confirmed that he’s a fan of the actress.
“I started watching the show when I was really young,” the teen said. “That’s all I really do watch when I’m home.”
Garcia is in the theater program at High Tech High School, the competitive countywide public high school in North Bergen.
“I just love that she’s just a great comedienne,” Garcia added. “Even though she’s getting older, she’s not afraid to push limits and do things that wouldn’t be the norm for women her age.”
As of Friday, 153 people have joined the page “Help Johnny Garcia meet Betty White.”
The page says: “Johnny has been watching the show Golden Girls since he came out of the womb. Owns every season on dvd and still continues to tape episodes that are on tv. He never goes a day without watching it or mentioning it! Please Please Please spread this around so Johnny can meet at least one of the GOLDEN GIRLS.”
Well, what do you say? Are you going to join the page, or do you have your own stars you’d like to meet?

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