ECW invasion

ECW has found new life in TNA. The No. 2 wrestling company in America has decided to take a page from the WWE and give Extreme Championship Wrestling one more shot at life. “Hard Justice: One Last Stand” will see the likes of Tommy Dreamer, Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, Al Snow, Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger, Bubba Ray and Devon Dudley, Raven, Stevie Richards, Shane Douglas, Mick Foley, Super Crazy, and possibly New Jack.
The Sixshooter is not quite sure what TNA is looking to get out of this PPV, but it will at least be a stray from the norm. TNA has had some good in-ring action lately, but they have become irrelevant. Since the failed Monday night experiment, there has been a major lack of buzz surrounding the company. The WWE has taken off with its new Nexus storyline and is flying towards “Summerslam.”
The Nexus angle at first seemed a little forced, but it has taken on a New World Order feel. They will never be the NWO, but this is the closest we’ll ever see again. If the WWE was not going for a PG audience, the Nexus group could really have some staying power. But in the end, we know how the story will end. John Cena wins, and the Nexus will start to fight amongst themselves.
The Sixshooter does not like to say he told you so, but he told you so. Abyss has turned back to his “monster” roots, and it was not a moment too soon. Within two weeks, he has been involved in some of the higher rated segments on “Impact.” It is anyone’s best guess who “they” are, but here’s to hoping that it is the return of Father Mitchell. For those of you who used to watch TNA when it was on Saturday night, you know how good Mitchell was as a manager.
Is Chris Jericho getting ready to walk away from the WWE? The word going around backstage is when Jericho’s contract is up in the next few months, he is seriously considering walking away from Vince McMahon. Jericho was not very happy with how he was treated when he landed a new game show on ABC. It was subsequently cancelled, but Jericho is still not happy. There is interest from TNA, but the Sixshooter does not think it is in the budget for them to get a deal done.
Scott Hall was recently released from the hospital after suffering from pneumonia. The Sixshooter really hopes the Bad Guy gets his act together for real this time. Perhaps it is time to get away from wrestling for good and just figure out who you really are, Mr. Hall? Hall’s former partner, Kevin Nash, is still plugging along in TNA. Nash is in line for a push over the next several months. But do not look for him to get into the title picture. That part of Nash’s career is over.
So who is the leader of the Nexus? There have been rumors galore, but if I was a betting man, I would put my money on HHH. If that is the case, however, the WWE needs to have the Nexus turn on him. You cannot squash this angle just as it is bringing new stars to the forefront of the WWE roster. Even if the plan was to have HHH emerge as the leader, those plans need to be changed.
Former ECW leader and WWE writer Paul Heyman is in talks with TNA to take over creatively. There were some rumors going around backstage that a deal was in place, but Heyman was spooked by the lack of total control. If Heyman is to take over, he wants TNA on his terms, meaning his people will be working there. If TNA is smart, they’ll give him the keys to the car and let him drive it to wherever Heyman wants to go.
That is it for this month Sixshooter-a-holics. Make sure to check me out daily over at or over on Twitter at As the great Bobby Heenan used to say, “A friend in need…is a pest!”


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