NHRFR must start laying off more

NHRFR must start laying off more

Dear Editor:
In response to a letter in a daily newspaper on May 3rd by Dominick Marino, you talk about 50 people being left homeless on 13th St in Union City. What about the 20 or more that were left homeless on 29th St just one minute away from the firehouse on 29th St on the same block in Union City. “WHY?” Because these over staffed firehouse have nothing better to do, they were food shopping and were not able to get out of the parking lot at the North Bergen Shop Rite. Mr. Marino, why did you forget to mention that occurrence and many more, I can go on and on?
Every day is like a parade, one engine after another wasting our tax dollars on fuel wear and tear on the equipment. This is a “JOKE” so don’t come with your crying we need more fire houses and firemen, ok.
The Director Mr. Welz should take a trip there any day of the week, in fact I have this documented on video camera day after day just waiting for the right occasion to present my case.
As far as man power is concerned, they’re over staffed and over paid, if the job you saying you’re doing is so dangerous, move on and QUIT, but I don’t never see one firemen doing so, why, because they know there on a gravy train.
We need to close a few more down, we pay enough taxes and don’t go questioning why the mayors are not hiring. Let me ask you, who in your family do you want to get a job for?
Mr. Marino, when was the last X you every did a honest day’s work, everyone wants to be a chief and are only looking out for their own personal financial gain, so quit blowing your hot air, we the tax payers, or as you say the public, are wise to see right through you.
Dominick, how come you’re not taking a 10 percent cut in pay to help the public you say you care and love so much. PLEASE give me a break, but you keep receiving your pay check, right. I don’t hear you crying about that and helping us tax payers out.
So stop your whining, you been riding on the band wagon long enough living high on the hog, I bet you not behind on your bills or mortgage, right, like too many of us public workers that you say you care and love so much.

A Fed-up Union City Tax Payer,
Mr. and Ms. John Fiore

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