Regarding gas pipeline

Dear Editor:
So the Cities of Jersey City and Bayonne are once again going to be used, as pawns, for all that is unholy, in the name of progress and privilege, of being indentured servants, to benefit the City of New York. Spectra Energy, who is basically an unknown entity, that’s because of the lack of essential and pertinent information given, is considering to use these two cities to run a (16) mile pipeline from Staten Island through their most densely populated areas. This route will obviously inconvenience only the dispensable and disposable, or should we say the “pay be no mind individuals.”
Why weren’t the residents of Jersey City, especially all those who reside in these targeted locations informed of this expansion? Why weren’t they immediately notified of this eventual hazardous nuisance by the Mayor of Jersey City Jeremiah Healy, and the City leaders? Anything that could adversely effect the quality of life, especially concerning the health and welfare towards every man, woman and child must have all possible forms of communications left open. Letters are constantly being mailed out educating the public, with tremendous political spin, on all fabricated and deceitful accomplishments created by this corrupt administration of greed. So why are we left in the dark on something as important as a natural gas pipeline right underneath our homes.
I received an e-mail from Councilman Steven Fulop. He informed us that Jersey City will be subjected to tremendous risks, with no rewards. Steve’s interpretation towards this dangerous project holds a lot of truth. The people of Jersey City were always labeled and branded as expendable, totally disregarded and used as a disrespected fat cow, milked dry and used continually into life threatening situations for profit. Their purposes throughout the years were to be human tools to construct beneficial Palaces for the mass political world Jersey City sleaze, dishonesty fraud and kickbacks.
Our documented history proves this to be correct. Did you ever witness or observe this Administration to agree upon or offer any legal or legitimate protest, to anything that didn’t increase their self serving personal reward?
Could there also be a possibility of private homes and businesses that would be offered unmercifully, as sacrificial lambs, to the altar of Spectra Energy, and confiscated in the name of “Eminent Domain”, which could not only benefit Spectra Energy but could also benefit members of this Administration.
Please if all possible try to attend the scheduled meeting by The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on Wednesday, August 4th, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Ferris High School, 35 Colgate Street. Regularly check that this hasn’t been canceled, changed or moved to a different location.
If you cannot make this forum, then write, non-violent letters of protest, make phone calls, to this Commission, our United States Senators, the State Senators and Assembly, the Mayor, the Council and Spectra Energy, and President Obama, if necessary. Remember your life as well as your families could be at risk.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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