Inspectors no-show at animal shelter…and, see reader comments at right

JERSEY CITY AND HOBOKEN — Inspectors from the state’s Department of Health and Human Services were supposed to pay a visit to the Liberty Humane Society, the animal shelter located near Liberty State Park in Jersey City, on Friday. Instead, no inspectors showed up, according to Niki Dawson, a former shelter manager who is working with the shelter’s current management.
The shelter handles strays in Jersey City and Hoboken, and has seen some controversy recently, including over the euthanasia policy.
Our readers are already commenting on our story this weekend about the problems with the shelter. Read it HERE.
Friday’s visit was a followup to an Aug. 4 inspection found violations like dogs being kept in cages smaller than allowed and sick animals being kept in the same area as healthy animals. If those violations were not remedied, the shelter would be shut down.
But Dawson said in an e-mail on Saturday the following: “No, the inspection did not happen despite LHS officials calling [NJ Department of Health and Human Services] on Friday to follow up. We are all excited at the progress the shelter has made and are interested in hearing the results of a re-inspection. We hope they will visit some time next week.”
Dawson did not have an answer why the state inspection did not occur. — RK

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