‘Please be honest’

To the Editor:
I read and reviewed the column written by Al Sullivan and find it necessary to make an observation in regards to his comments concerning our Hudson County Sheriff Juan M. Perez.
I understand that a person who writes a political column as Mr. Sullivan does cannot constantly offer praise to an elected official; however he should not always be unfairly critical of an official either. It appears that Mr. Sullivan has an issue with the Sheriff, as I have never read one positive comment concerning Juan Perez. I have the articles saved and anytime he mentions Perez, it is always in a negative vein with either a direct or indirect criticism. In no way am I saying the Sheriff is perfect, no human being is. However, this man has accomplished so much since taking office in 2008 for the public safety of the people of the county and for the men and women within his office that he deserves at least honorable mention.
So Mr. Sullivan, please be honest for a change and all that is asked is fairness, not favoritism, in regards to the best Sheriff Hudson County has ever seen – Juan M. Perez.


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