Hole on Sinatra Drive expands; engineers meet at site

HOBOKEN – City and county engineers met on Tuesday afternoon at the site of the Sinatra Drive street collapse near 14th Street to plan the next steps of the street repair.
The hole has expanded from the initial collapse on Friday afternoon. A city press release stated on Friday evening that it was believed that the hole could expand, and it appears the stormy weather from Monday evening contributed to the expansion of the hole. The condo building across the street from the collapse, near Constitution Court and Sinatra Drive, is structurally sound, according to city officials. Since Sinatra Drive is a county road, security around the site was provided by Hudson County Sheriff officers.
Mayor Dawn Zimmer was on site and said she was there because “this is an emergency for the city of Hoboken.”
On Tuesday afternoon, divers surveyed the area, and will continue to do so during the week. – Ray Smith

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