In response to Stack’s statement on landmark status

Dear Editor:
After reading Mayor Stack’s self serving statement on preserving landmark status within Union City, I was compelled to jump on my computer and fire off a response. His statement that his administration has done more to preserve historic landmarks in Union City is absurd.
This is the same mayor and board of commissioners who put the wrecking ball to the historic Roosevelt Stadium. Mayor Stack, if you care so much about Union City’s history, then why did you destroy one of our most famous landmarks? Why did you not restore the stadium and turn it into a park or open space for Union City residents to enjoy? You could have built a new high school on another piece of property.
Mayor Stack states: “What was done to preserve City Hall when it was being renovated by a past administration?” When Mayor Stack states a past administration, he is referring to the late Bruce Walter and current U.S. Senator Bob Menendez. I feel his comments were an unnecessary slap in the face to the memory of Bruce Walter and the hard work of Bob Menendez, two men who turned Union City around after decades of corruption at the hands of Brian Stack’s mentor Bill Musto.
Bruce Walter personally oversaw the renovation of City Hall and worked hard to blend the new addition into the old structure. When you drive by City Hall, you cannot even tell an addition was added. Mayor Stack should be ashamed of himself, and should apologize to the family of Bruce Walter. His comments are disrespectful and unfair.
It is fine to defend one’s own record, but there is no need to attack people like Bruce Walter in the process. Additionally, do not claim to be a champion of landmarks when you destroyed one of the greatest landmarks in Union City – Roosevelt Stadium.

Joanne Calzaretta
Former Union City resident

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