Occhipinti to 4th Ward: I will stand up for you

Dear Editor:
I hope you will allow me the opportunity to express to the people of the 4th Ward just how much they have meant to me during this long, difficult campaign. After all the horrible things said about our supporters, after innuendo was spread and outright lies were told about private citizens who supported us, the class and dignity displayed by our neighbors on Tuesday was nothing short of miraculous.
From Jackson to Jefferson, and Observer to 6th our neighbors in the 4th Ward turned out in impressive numbers. They repudiated the scare tactics. They voted for change. They voted for an independent voice. They voted for an end to flooding, for a park in the southwest and for development that works for the people of the 4th Ward.
They voted for an end to being ignored, and – most importantly, they voted for the right of every 4th Ward resident to be free of intimidation and fear. To my neighbors in the 4th Ward I say: You stood up for me, and, I promise you, I will stand up for you!
I have a message for Mayor Zimmer. Mayor, I believe you when you say you want what’s best for the 4th Ward, and I want you to know that I can be on the same page with you when you work for the best interests of the 4th Ward. I won’t be an obstructionist, but I won’t be a rubber stamp – for anyone. What’s good for the 4th Ward is good for Hoboken, and I will work for the good of the 4th Ward, first – and always.
To my neighbors in the 4th Ward: we won a great victory Tuesday, but the hard work has just begun. If I have learned one thing during this campaign, it is this: A councilman is only as strong as the people who put him in office. I want to be a great councilman and do great things for the 4th Ward, but I can’t do it without you. I will need you to help me make the 4th Ward an even greater place to live.
Over the next few weeks, you will hear from me about some of the things we want to accomplish for our ward. I hope you’ll join us in this effort to make the forgotten 4th into the fantastic 4th. Thank you again!

Tim Occhipinti
4th Ward

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