Safety recommendations for the holidays

To the Editor:
As your sheriff in Hudson County, our office and personnel are committed, as we have been for the past three years, to assisting local law enforcement in keeping all of Hudson County safe for this holiday season and throughout the year. We have developed a cooperative effort with all of the police departments for the benefit of the public safety of all in Hudson County. Again, this year we offer the following safety recommendations for all:
Holiday shopping safety: Your safety and the safety of your family are far more important than any packages or property. When you go shopping, take someone with you as there is safety in numbers walking to and from your vehicle in the parking areas. Avoid carrying large sums of cash and never exhibit your cash in public. Be wary in and about ATM areas. If there is suspicious activity, do not stop and notify your local police department. Always protect your PIN and never write this number near or on your ATM card. Keep packages out of sight, preferably in the trunk or other secure area of your vehicle. At home, keep packages out of view from home windows and doors and use light timers if you are out of your home. Be wary of persons who identify themselves as delivery or public utility persons and obtain bona fide identification. If in doubt, summon your local police department.
Driving safety: Never get behind the wheel and operate a motor vehicle with any type or amount of alcoholic beverage consumption. Every year, drunk or impaired drivers cause injury or death to many. Ensure your vehicle is up to standard in all areas of maintenance. Slow down in all types of weather; remember, it takes longer to stop on slippery surfaces, so allow enough time and space to stop your vehicle safely. Watch for black ice, which are areas of the roadway that are black and shiny where your vehicle could lose traction. It is better to arrive late at your destination but with complete safety.
On behalf of all in the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office, we wish you and your family a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season. On a personal note, it was an honor and privilege to have served as your sheriff for the past three years.

Sheriff of Hudson County

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