Mayor thanks those who helped during the blizzard

Dear Editor:
I am writing to offer my praise and thanks to the numerous employees of the Union City Department of Public Works and Department of Recreation, Parks and Public Property for their successful effort in addressing the blizzard that began on December 26th. During the blizzard it was difficult to maintain the streets, as the snow was falling at such a rapid pace.
Furthermore, strong winds created drifts that increased the amounts of snow in concentrated areas. Municipal Departments faced numerous challenges that were posed by the weather, while ensuring that streets were passable for emergency vehicles. Our professional employees were both diligent and efficient in clearing local roads. Many employees worked around the clock to ensure that snow was removed in a timely manner and streets were clean for motorists.
Also, I am grateful for the help of many volunteers who participated in the snow removal process by shoveling sidewalks and assisting employees of the Department of Public Works. This was truly a community effort that showed the strength and attributes of Union City.

Brian P. Stack
Mayor, City of Union City

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