The James N. Rentas Walk for Cancer Research

To the Editor:

The family of James N. Rentas would like to thank the citizens of Bayonne, its surrounding communities, and beyond for their presence and support of our Ninth Annual Walk for Cancer Research. The sponsorships and donations from family, friends, and businesses were overwhelming. The number of participants was heartwarming.
There are no words meaningful enough to express our gratitude to our volunteers, our team leaders, and their wonderful teams for their hard work and generous giving of time to make this event the huge success that it was! The proceeds from this event will go to the Dr. Nancy Kemeny Pump Research Fund at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Our hearts swell knowing that she, her family, and her outstanding team of nurses attend this event. It is researchers like Dr Kemeny who will make cancer that metastasizes to the liver “a thing of the past”
On behalf of our family, thank you for helping us keep “Jimmy’s Memory” alive. On behalf of “Our Jimmy,” thank you for supporting this event that will help the research continue to conquer this horrific disease. One day, Because of you, there will be a cure!


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