Why are they ticketing … er, targeting me?

To the Editor:

Once again, I have been ticketed for dropping my child off at Bayonne’s Midtown Community School. No one else but me was ticketed this second time, so I have to question, am I being singled out because I have raised questions about how the city is so badly running their streets, schools, and safety?
I wrote to the school Principal, Christine Mercun, The Chief of Police and Mayor Davis’s office last month and did not hear back from any of them. However, with this second incident I absolutely demand an answer from each and every one of them.
There are a lot of parents griping about this, enough to put a lawsuit and investigation together to examine what is going on with our tax dollars and this police bullying when we drop our kids off to school. This city did not provide adequate parking to accommodate a school of 1,200 students. Who is responsible for that? And better yet, how are they getting away with this?
Why are we being bullied and ticketed by our police? I intend to take a stand and launch this right into the media and contact the proper authorities to make this city respond and fix its illegal system.
What are you hiding? How is it OK to sponge money off parents for dropping their kids off? Why have you not answered any questions? Why did the mayor change his email address and not speak up about this?
Pounding on our cars and scaring kids into thinking police are bad guys and bullies is no solution. They are sending a very wrong message to our kids and I will not tolerate the bullying, being singled out, discriminated against or extorted for my money.
Next steps should be providing a system for 1,200 parents. Cops should be there to ensure safety and make the students feel safe, not ticketing parents and scaring them. With ridiculously high property taxes and the slummy way Bayonne looks and the schools not being adequately equipped, it is safe to say the money is not going where it should and this town is corrupt to the point of illegally ticketing the citizens as another source of getting money.


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