Hudson County is alive with the sound of eleeeeeections – for whom can you vote on Tuesday?

HUDSON COUNTY — The county’s alive with the sound (and smell) of Hudson County elections! With ploys we have heard, for a hundred years.
On Tuesday, Hoboken residents can choose one council person to represent their ward, as well as three Board of Education members. In Jersey City and West New York, the voters also can elect school board members. In these towns, the elections for council and school board often fall along the lines of the candidates supported by whoever your mayor is, those against the mayor, and independents — but of course, you don’t have to vote along those lines. You may also vote for two seats in your Assembly District. Unlike the races above, these are often partisan, with a set of Republicans and Democrats. Independents and write-in votes may also come into play.
To get more specific information on your particular town and district, scroll down on to our more detailed articles for each town that have run in the print editions in the past few weeks.

Our endorsements for 2015

As for endorsements? We don’t do ’em. Our communities are small, and we’d rather report the facts and let voters decide. This tends to get all sides a bit miffed at us, since we often report the good and bad, leaving us accused by each side of being partial to the others. We’re reporters and we’re used to it. We got into this business for little money to tell the truth, and we’ll keep on doing it as long as we can — if we wanted to pick a side, we’d go into political consulting! But we can’t report what we don’t know, so send your news tips and documentation of all types or .jpg photos to, and put your town in the subject head.
Scroll down and read the detailed stories. Letters may be sent to
Happy Election Day!

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