Mayor Zimmer needs all the tools in her toolbox

Dear Editor:
When Mayor Zimmer first took office in 2009, she inherited a political mess. Our city was plagued by rampant corruption, budget shortfalls, and unbridled development. In just a few short years, however, Mayor Zimmer, and her allies on the city council, restored not only fiscal responsibility and integrity to City Hall, but restored my faith in the city that I have called home for my entire life. That being said, this November we have a clear choice in the direction in which we want to go.
We could reverse course, and move back to the days where developers, not voters, controlled City Hall, and where our politicians made decisions based on their best interests, not ours. Or, we could stay the course, and give Mayor Zimmer the allies she needs on the council to continue to move our city forward. That is why I encourage you to support the election efforts of Councilwoman Jen Giattino, Councilman Peter Cunningham, Tiffanie Fisher, Michael DeFusco, and Dana Wefer.

Theodore Conrad

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