Council president threw me out of meeting to censor the truth

Dear Friends:
A funny thing happened at the October 21, 2015 City Council meeting. I was physically ejected by the Hoboken Police on orders from City Council President, Ravi Bhalla! What had I done to deserve such ignominy? Nothing but pose a hypothetical concerning the intrusion into the workings of an independent Board or Agency by a mayor, or more importantly, a mayor’s spouse. That was it, no names, no location just the question, what is the limit, a mayor’s spouse can inject themselves in the micromanagement of a Board or Agency.
Of course I was alluding to the reporting on the Poliktickernj site of the mayor’s husband authoring e-mails sent to then Hoboken Housing Authority Board Chairman, Jake Stuiver, CCing sitting council and board members, recommending actions to be taken against Hoboken Housing Authority Executive Director Carmelo Garcia. But I didn’t get very far. Immediately, Council President Bhalla, began gaveling me into silence, for mentioning Hoboken mayor’s husband. The conversation broke down as I distributed the aforementioned e-mails to the council while shouting that The Council President was attempting to censor the truth.
Ultimately, while producing the attached resolution for the termination of Carmelo Garcia, referenced by Stan Grossbard in emails to Jake Stuiver and CCing Board member Greg Lincoln and council member David Mello, Bhalla ordered the police to eject me from the meeting.
What is the secret that the Administration, as represented by the sycophantic Council President Bhalla is trying to preserve? That Stan Grossbard may be the true power in the city of Hoboken, god any dispassionate casual observer watching Dawn’s fractured behavior could discern that. What was lacking was the proof of the extent of Grossbard’s reach and power. So far the 500 emails attached to the amended complaint prove that Stan’s influence reaches the city council and a federally funded independent agency but discovery has been extended and undoubtable more smoking e-mails will be found.
Hopefully, the truth, on the extent of the hold Grossbard exerts on Hoboken will come to light in the courts, because it will never be disclosed by City Hall.
Thank you for your many courtesies.

I remain,
Perry Belfiore

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