Union City official indicted in contractor scheme

HUDSON COUNTY — Washington Borgono, 64, of North Bergen, a compliance officer with the Union City Community Development Agency (UCCDA) was indicted on Oct. 29 for allegedly manipulating the contractor selection process for federally-funded residential rehabilitation and sidewalk replacement projects, causing losses of at least $250,000, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced.
Borgono was charged with one count of obtaining by fraud, converting and misapplying government funds provided by the UCCDA and one count of conspiring with others to do the same. The indictment was returned today by a federal grand jury sitting in Newark.
From April 2007 through February 2013, Borgono was a compliance officer at the UCCDA, a local government agency that receives grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for home improvement projects, sidewalk replacement and other projects.

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