Two hundred people attend Bayonne city health fair

BAYONNE – About 125 people received health care screenings during the city of Bayonne’s health fair on Thursday, Oct. 15 in Fitzpatrick Park, across from City Hall, in the city’s midtown section.
“We had approximately 200 people walk through, which is wonderful for a mid-day venue during the work and school week,” said Suzanne Cavanaugh, RN, city nurse.
The 30 groups participating included healthcare-related organizations, public agencies, and nonprofit services.
Multiple early detection screenings were performed, including those for breast cancer, blood pressure, blood lead, and diabetic blood glucose. Free massages, pain management, and physical therapy services were also provided.
“We are happy to report that all positive findings have been referred for further investigation and treatment,” Cavanaugh said.
Information was given out on vaccines, physical fitness, teen and youth groups, disposing of old medications, child protection and foster care, adult care and aging, and bed bug/exterminating services.
The opportunity to meet and serve the public personally through the event was its most satisfying aspect, according to Cavanaugh.
“We at the City Hall Health Department are committed to making our community a healthier Bayonne and leading by example,” she said. “We have so many wonderful health-related businesses here, and this was a fun way to get that information to our residents.”
For more information, call Bayonne Health Division Clinic nurses at (201) 858-6140.

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