Start believing

Dear Editor:
Mayor Gonnelli delights in projecting the image that “I conjure up things”. If one read the Secaucus Home News, 3/19/15 issue, he stated, and I quote, “the best part is that nobody believes what you write.’
Permit me once again expose his misconception of me, and in the process of doing so, expose his political interference in the Board of Education appointments.
At the July 30, Regular Public Meeting, I learned that the “Special Meeting” was held on July 14th. I Immediately questioned the legality of this meeting, regarding an error the process.
I requested a copy of the minutes this July14th. “Special Meeting”.
Two resolutions were on the agenda. In R1.1, I discovered an obvious mistake. It was reported that Mr. Riebesell, had made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session of that meeting and resume the Special Meeting, at 5:30 p.m. For the record, Mr. Riebsell was no longer on the Board.
R1.2 was the appointment of a Supervisor of Building and Grounds. The resolution vote was eight yes and one absent. The minutes of July 14 meeting indicate that there were no public comments. How could there be, the public had no knowledge of the meeting ever taking place. The minutes also indicate the Board members, had no comments as well. They did not have to, nobody was there.
The record will show, No. 1: If it were not for my requesting the minutes of that “Special” meeting the obvious mistake that Mr. Riebesell attended that meeting would never had come to light. No. 2: I pointed out that in my opinion there was legal flaw at the July 30th Public Meeting, and that the July 14th meeting should be null and void. No. 3: My opinion was proven to be correct when the Board at the Aug. 27th regular Public Meeting passed a resolution to take “corrective action,” (a do over) regarding that “Special Meeting.”
I did not “conjure up” what happened at the last public Board meeting, the tape of the meeting speaks for itself. When I had the opportunity to question the Board, they resembled a deer staring into the lights of a car. They refused to answer one question.
To those of you that believe I “conjure up” things as a mayor would have you believe or do not believe what I write. Start believing.
When this fiasco plays out the politics involved in this Building and Grounds appointment will be obvious.

Tom Troyer

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