Hoboken Police issue warning to residents after recent uptick in bicycle thefts

HOBOKEN – After a recent uptick in bicycle thefts during the summer, the Hoboken Police Department (HPD) issued a warning Thursday morning for residents who often opt for a two-wheel commute versus four.
“To help combat these thefts we are asking residences to keep the bicycles inside their homes and not outside the gates or inside their garages unsecured,” reads the announcement.
Officials – who warn that summer and early fall months often mean a rise in bike thefts – say that while they understand that some residences primarily use their bicycles to as a means of transportation, commuters should take the additional precaution of securing them with lock and chain.
“If anyone sees a strange person attempting to take a bicycle, do not confront them, instead call the police,” the announcement continues, “The best thing to do is be a good witness.”
Hoboken police recommend that anyone purchasing a new bicycle keep the serial number which makes it easier to locate if stolen. Residents also have the option of registering an old bicycle by filling out a form at the police station at 106 Hudson St.
Meanwhile, Hoboken hopes to have the program Hudson Bike Share, which is operated by bike rental company Bike and Roll, up and running by the end of September with 250 next-generation smart bikes spread across 29 stations.
Do you plan on substituting your own ride for a rental bicycle? Comment below!

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