Celebrating its 110th anniversary, WomenRising will hold a gala on Oct. 22 at the Liberty House in Jersey City.
Tickets cost $150 per person, or $1,500 for a table of ten. The proceeds will benefit WomenRising, an organization that provides women with counseling, crisis intervention, job help, and shelter for domestic violence victim.
To reserve your seat for this anniversary celebration, register by emailing elassalle@womenrising.org. The deadline to reserve a space is Oct. 1.
The gala will run from 6 to 9 p.m. Liberty House is located at 76 Audrey Zapp Drive, Jersey City.
Email the director of development Meg Paradise atmparadise@womenrising.org for information on tickets, sponsorships, or ad journal information.
For more information on the gala, visit the WomenRising website at www.womenrising.org.