Labor of love

Dear Editor:
On behalf of the Town Council and myself, I would like to thank Home Depot for their partnership with the Town of Secaucus during the Violet Kieck Project.
This project has truly been a labor of love. I would like to acknowledge Matt Keating – Home Depot District Mgr., Kathy Tipia-Store Mgr. Secaucus Home Depot, Randez West-Secaucus Assistant Mgr. /Store Captain, and Lee Penna – Town of Secaucus Community Outreach Coordinator for their perseverance and support, making this project come to fruition. As well as Team Depot for donating their time and skills: Jocelyn Argueta, Michael Abad, Alessandra Aranibar, Rosie Bellido, Kenny Blackman, Katya Garcia, Jahn Joyce, Rob Levy, David Ugarte, Tommy Volina.
They were assisted by Secaucus Volunteers: Councilman Robert Constantino, Councilman Bill McKeever, Assistant Superintendent Building and Grounds Raymond Cieciuch, Fire Fighter Taylor Ensmann, Eddie Karaway, American Legion Post 118 Commander Claud Macchieraldo, Lou Minervini-Forman DPW, Commander Secaucus VFW Post 3776 Phil Papa, Pete Collins, Auxiliary Fire Fighter Victor Rodriguez-Engine3, Frank Sasso Sr., Frank Sasso Jr.-Forman DPW, Chief Brain Schoch-Ladder 1, Capt. Joseph Schoendorf Sr.- Rescue 1.
Secaucus Student Volunteers: Emily Dunning, Mike Gonzalez Jr., Kamren Jackson, Brittany Magliulo, Gabriella Magliulo, Preet Shah.
It is the selflessness of these individuals that makes Secaucus such a great community to live in.

Mayor Mike Gonnelli

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