Dear Editor:
It is reprehensible that the seniors and disabled members of the Hoboken community are treated as nonexistent or better yet, leftover – taking up space that a seemingly “better” – higher tax paying – calibre of individual could occupy.
Here’s a recent quote from a senior friendly community in NJ regarding the care of its more fragile community members:
“It is vitally important to the older adults in our communities that law enforcement officials are aware of their circumstances on an individual basis, as well as a whole group,” said Marianne Kranz, director of Meals on Wheels for Sage Eldercare in Summit.”
In Hoboken, the open and progressively increasing mistreatment of the elderly and infirm has become to much to silently bear.
In the winter, Hoboken’s unclear walkways find elderly with injuries from falls and in the spring they are displaced from the sidewalks due to proprioception issues with bikes on the sidewalks. Sitting on a park bench is out of the question except for Columbus Park, a County Park, which prohibits ball playing on its grounds.
As if that were not enough, recently at Fox Hill a resident was found dead only after the stench of the decaying body brought attention from residents on the floor. They have no security, no recreation room, and as have written previously – repeated noncompliance to standards for health and safety.
I will keep this short and remind you that displacement is not the answer. One has to wonder if the administration, public safety director and council members have no mother, no father, no grandmother or grandfather.
Supporting the community-at-large,
Melissa T. Blanco