51 arrested during Hudson County seatbelt campaign

HUDSON COUNTY – Hudson County Sheriff Frank X. Schillari announced this week the success of the Spring 2015 Click It or Ticket seat belt safety campaign.
“Wearing a seatbelt in a motor vehicle, regardless of age or seating position increases the chances of surviving a crash by almost 75 percent,” said Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari. “Our officers were successful in stopping and enforcing seat belt laws throughout the county and I am proud of their hard work.”
Schillari went on to announce that during the camping, which lasted from May 18th – May 31, over 115 seat belt violation tickets were issued, including 10 for having unrestrained children in the vehicle. In addition, violations were also issued for cell phone usage, suspended licenses, uninsured driving, uninsured vehicles and speeding. The Sheriff’s Office made a total of 51 arrests during the campaign.
“Over the past six years we have seen a steady drop in the amount of seatbelt summonses issued,” said Schillari. “The cause of the decrease is not a lack of vigilance by our officers, it is because more people are simply wearing their seatbelts, proving the campaign has been a success.”
Hudson County Sheriff’s Officers will be continuing to enforce seat belt safety in Hudson County.

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