Jersey City activist says ‘Go home Yuppie scum’ graffiti is ‘going too far’

JERSEY CITY — Jersey City is building up, with new luxury condos sprouting all over. But some are worried about the high costs and the other tradeoffs that may come with redeveloping industrial areas.

Last week, Devyn Manibo, 22, a downtown resident, announced an anti-gentrification campaign called JC Take It Back. It is to be carried out on social-media crusade with slogans meant to raise awareness, like, “Go home, yuppie scum.”

Someone apparently spray painted that slogan on a residential building near City Hall last week, but it was washed away within hours. quoted Manibo as saying, “I think it’s disrespectul. That’s not the direction I wanted this to go in.”

At Grove and Montgomery streets, the seven-story Charles & Co. building will have 99 units and is being built by developers Paul and Eric Silverman.

Manibo said the graffiti was “going too far.”

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