Dear Editor:
As any Hoboken resident knows, our City is one of the most public transit oriented communities in the nation. With services including PATH, NJ Transit trains, buses, and ferries, Hoboken is a prime transportation hub. Over 50 percent of our residents rely on these services for travel to work and home, especially senior citizens and students. The proposed service cuts and fare hikes by NJ Transit will put Hoboken and our residents at a disadvantage, and Hoboken residents deserved an opportunity to speak out on the proposal in a local setting, given our City’s importance in the realm of public transportation. As your Assemblyman and member of the Assembly Transportation Committee, I have spoken to numerous residents who have expressed concern over the fare hikes.
On April 22nd, long before many other elected officials decided to speak out, I urged NJ Transit to hold one of their hearings here in Hoboken. Unfortunately, they declined to do so, but Hoboken residents can still submit their comments and concerns through the NJ Transit website at as well continuing to contact me and my office at or I will continue to fight against fare hikes and service cuts and advocate for the best interests of Hoboken public transportation riders. When we band together, there is nothing we can’t accomplish – we can, we will, watch us, make a difference!
Carmelo G. Garcia
Assemblyman 33rd District