Traffic nightmare

To the Editor:

The entrance way to the New Jersey Turnpike Westbound at 53rd Street and Avenue E during heavy traffic times is so much of a nightmare that it makes me want to relocate. When they will finally finish this construction is beyond me. Why is there a cement structure that causes every motorist to form into one lane when they can utilize a temporary, movable rubber structure and do the modifications during night hours? Doesn’t anyone take this into consideration?
Anyhow, some suggestions. Instead of having a massive and chaotic traffic jam at the lights of this menacing intersection, why doesn’t everyone just follow vehicular laws that clearly state that if you do not have sufficient room to advance without the possibility of blocking any traffic whatsoever, just don’t do it, even if the creep behind you is honking his horn and looks like he’s about to murder you. Also, how about gassing up at the Quick Check on your trip home? This lessens the traffic on the eastbound lane of East 53rd Street. Finally, if far more motorists made use of Avenue E instead of East 53rd to get onto the turnpike, at least there would be more continuity to the traffic flow.
Let’s all do our part, motorists, to get through this horrendous hassle by being as group-minded as possible, instead of self-led.


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