Join Hoboken and Stevens Institute of Technology to Take Back The Night Tuesday

HOBOKEN — Take Back The Night is an international event and non-profit organization committed to ending sexual violence in all forms, including sexual assault, sexual abuse, dating violence, and domestic violence. Supporters can join together and bring awareness to sexual violence through events held in more than 30 countries annually, including marches, rallies and vigils intended as a protest and direct action against rape and other forms of sexual violence.
CarePoint Health, Hudson SPEAKS, Stevens Institute of Technology, and the city of Hoboken have united to support this movement and invite community members to join them on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 to Take Back the Night.
Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer, Hudson SPEAKS Rape Crisis Center Medical Director Dr. Meika Roberson, Stevens Vice President of Enrollment Marybeth Murphy, and Stevens Assistant Dean of Students Kristie Damell will march from the Stevens campus to Pier A, where supporters will participate in chants and a moment of silence, and hear speeches from survivors of sexual assault.
The march will begin at the Davis Lawn, located in front of Walker Gymnasium on the Stevens campus, at 6 p.m. The remarks on Pier A will begin at 7 p.m.

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