Community theatre has amazing cast and crew

Dear Editor:
If you were unable to attend CAST’s one night only production of Pen Pals on March 28th, a play written and directed by our own Artistic Director, Michael Griffo, you truly missed a treat. We are amazed again and again at the amount of talent we have in our group. Bringing community theater to Secaucus has always been our passion, from the original idea of our late Co-Founder and Executive Producer, Pat DeFerrari to today, and it’s genuinely satisfying to be able to continue to realize that vision in such a rewarding way.
With Pen Pals we add yet another amazing production to CAST’s long history. A special thanks to Mayor Gonnelli and Lisa Snedeker for all their ongoing, enthusiastic support and cooperation and in helping us convert the senior center into a wonderful theater space.
The support of the community is essential to the continued success of CAST. We are so very proud to be able to promote the remarkable talents of our cast and crew and get no greater joy than sharing it with all of you. Stay tuned for future productions!

Thank you,
Joan Kashuba, Co-Founder, Executive Producer
Donald Caputo, CAST Board of Directors

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