Come see for yourself

Dear Editor:
Hoboken Junior Senior High School is a place to be proud of. As parents of current HJSHS Redwings, we have come together to form a PTO board of directors. Being on the PTO board is something we all take very seriously as we feel it will have a strong, positive impact on not just the kids who attend HJSHS now, but future Redwings – families that choose Hoboken High because it is the best choice for their children.
We are dedicated, motivated, loyal and excited about our school. We want Hoboken Junior Senior High School to be the heartbeat of our wonderful city. Want to see our wonderful school for yourself? We are holding an Open House on March 31st from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. We invite you to come meet us, see our school, meet our awesome students, staff and faculty. Come on a tour, see the indoor pool, theater, science labs, culinary arts facilities. Hear about our AP classes, John’s Hopkins program, award winning athletic department and all of the clubs and activities we offer. Find out more about how we prepare our students for success when they graduate and go onto college or out into the workforce. We know what you’ve heard about Hoboken Junior Senior High School…come and let us tell you more!

Best regards
Sarah Raynor – President
Debbie Veloce – Vice President
Addys Velez – Treasurer
Jennifer Spadavecchia – Secretary
Christopher Munoz – Faculty Liaison

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