JERSEY CITY – According to January statistics released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor on Friday, Jersey City continues a rapid and steep decline in unemployment as the Fulop Administration aggressively and strategically focuses on job creation.
Jersey City’s unemployment rate is currently 6.2 percent, down 4.3 percentage points from 10.5 percent when Mayor Steven Fulop took office in June of 2013, the largest decline of city in the region. The sustained growth in employment is due directly to a comprehensive Fulop Administration approach to attract residential development and new businesses, creating more than 9,000 thousand jobs ranging from new small businesses to construction jobs to corporate jobs.
“We’ve taken a strategic approach to both attract development and new businesses, recognizing the potential to generate thousands of jobs across a variety of sectors,” said Mayor Fulop. “The jobs we are creating today will offer opportunities for years to come as we implement our vision of providing access to quality employment for all of our residents.”