Uber vs. Hoboken taxis

Dear Editor:
Every once in a while a new technology comes along and destroys the old way of doing things, hence the collapse of the local licensed taxi driver. Uber is making the taxi extinct just like the car did to the horse and buggy.
Uber’s technology is not going to go away but rather it will enhance and continue to improve, making it even easier to get a taxi, anywhere.
So I say to the Hoboken taxi drivers this, you can stand put and watch your incomes dwindle or you can do something about it.
Here are some creative ways to save your businesses.
1. (Non yellow cars) Advertise your company name and phone number as large as possible on your vehicles = free advertising.
2. Create your own (Uber Fighter) local app and compete with Uber and the rest of the apps. Instead of joining one of these companies and paying a percent of your rides to a 3rd party, by creating your own, you will never pay a percent to anyone. Think about creating a co-op of drivers to pay for the app and share the expenses of marketing and maintenance with all them. This way you all own the app, instead of renting or sharing profits.
3. You should do outbound sales efforts to attract local businesses to use your services.
4. Advertise within your vehicles to each person who you encounter by giving them postcards, specials and your business card.
Some helpful advice from someone who uses your services all the time and would like to see all of you make a living.

David A. Liebler

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