Family Fun Day honoring Hoboken Teacher – NJ Teacher of the Year

Dear Editor:
I am writing to share with the community the outpouring of pride and excitement we all feel for Hoboken Public School Teacher Mr. Mark Mautone, New Jersey State Teacher of the Year!
On Saturday, December 20th the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) and the Hoboken Education Association (HEA) sponsored “Holiday Family Fun Day!” at Hoboken High School to honor the New Jersey Teacher of the Year, Mark Mautone. As an amazing, warm and inspiring teacher, Mr. Mautone has touched the lives of so many families in the school district. It was wonderful that over 500 parent and students came out to celebrate his achievement and participate in all the activities provided by their volunteer teachers from every school in the district.
An amazing performance by our Rockin’ Redwings kicked off the event followed by an assembly Proclamations were read and presented to Mr. Mautone from the City of Hoboken, the Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the New Jersey State Assembly and the entire Board of Education was in attendance. In addition, Mr. Mautone was presented with a crystal oblisque commemorating his being named as the 2014 New Jersey State Teacher of the Year. Closing out the ceremony was Marie Blistan, Vice President of the NJEA whose presence and dynamic remarks demonstrate the NJEA commitment to excellence and the pride they have for the accomplishments of its members.
As board president, I am inspired by the pride that our administration and staff have toward Mark’s accomplishment, especially his fellow teachers. It is evident that our teachers work together and support each other to ensure our children receive the best possible educational experience.
Also touching was to see so many parent and children who came not only for the activities but to cheer him on during the speeches and presentations.
After the assembly, families were invited to have their pictures taken with Santa and a buffet breakfast. Attendees engaged in holiday arts and crafts with teachers from HJSHS, Brandt, Calabro, Connors and Wallace. The day’s activities included acoustic guitar entertainment with Wallace School teacher, Manny Fernandez, a theater workshop with HJSHS teacher Danielle Miller and an audio visual presentation by HJSHS teacher Michele McGrievey. Each district school had a table with activities for children and parents and representatives from the school available to answer questions about their school and the district. Happy children filled the HJSHS gym enjoying live DJ music, bouncy houses, hot-dogs, cotton candy, a magician and a dance contest. The joy and pride for Mr. Mautone and their schools filled the building.
The entire event was made possible by the NJEA PRIDE Committee and the Hoboken Education Association, in cooperation with the Hoboken Board of Education. Special thanks to Jim Boise of the NJEA PRIDE Committee. NJEA and HEA’s sponsorship of this event exhibits the commitment all New Jersey teachers. I would like to thank our teachers and staff for organizing a wonderful event. Great things are happening in Hoboken Public Schools!

Kind regards,
Ruth Tyroler
Hoboken Board of Education

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