Honored to be reappointed

Dear Neighbors:
I am honored to let you know that I’ve been reappointed to a second term on the Hoboken Zoning Board of Adjustment, a seat I’ve held since 2011. On the ZBA we hear development applications that propose to deviate from the city’s zoning code. These projects can be large or small but regardless of their scope, each one impacts the streets and neighborhoods we all call home. As the only regular member serving from the first ward, I am proud to continue representing my neighbors and will continue doing so with the best interest of our downtown ward and with all of Hoboken in mind. Over the past four years I’ve voted in favor of projects that have added positively to our community without having a substantial negative impact on the city we know and love. Ensuring our transportation infrastructure isn’t over burdened, dealing with the parking crunch and limiting the effects of flooding through green building techniques are all critical issues that impact the first ward; they are also amongst the criteria the board considers when rendering a decision on any application. As the redevelopment authority for the city, I’d like to thank the governing body for the opportunity to continue my service.
The composition of any board is important and to that end, I just wanted to offer a little more of my background. I am a proud Italian American and though my family was not originally from Hoboken, rather Newark, my great grandfather was a laborer on the Erie Lackawanna railroad a source of great pride for our family. My parents put themselves through graduate and medical school working nights and raising a family built on the ideals of hard work, education and community service. Eleven years ago after graduating from George Washington University, I left DC to call Hoboken my home. The choice was simple, after all, this was a community built both on the industrial buildings and brownstones of the past as well as in the spirit of neighbors, young and old. Shortly after I moved here a development project proposed to significantly infringe on the green area behind our homes, so I attended my first ZBA hearing and our opinion impacted the final project – sizing it back while still moving the project forward. At that time I was impressed to see the role that community had on the board and am proud to continue serving on the same body that originally engaged my interest in public service.
To that end, I encourage all of my neighbors from the first ward to attend our hearings, a schedule of which can be found on the city’s website. Your presence, insight and opinion are crucial to every project that comes before us and I personally look forward to seeing many new faces in 2015.

Michael DeFusco
Commissioner, Zoning Board of Adjustment
1st Ward

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