Democracy is alive and well in Hoboken

Dear Editor:

As an elected official it is my privilege and duty to represent the interests of my constituents. Numerous residents reached out to me to express their opposition to a proposal calling for rolling assessments in Hoboken. Over-burdened taxpayers fear yearly assessments will lead to higher taxes just because their neighbor has renovated their home. And they questioned the accuracy and need for this program. I share their concerns and expressed them in a recent letter to the editor as well as at the City Council meeting. It seems our voices have been heard as this flawed program is now being canceled. Taxpayer funds were needlessly spent and this would have been implemented right under our noses.

Although I suspect this issue is far from over, Mayor Dawn Zimmer has reacted to our collective efforts. I believe it was the threat of a referendum which we proposed and mounting public opposition, thanks to the efforts of concerned residents. Thank you to Anthony, Peggy, Greg, Ron, Brian, Marian, and Emily. This is proof democracy is alive and well. The people have spoken and made it clear they don’t support this dubious rolling revaluation plan. But we must remain vigilant and work together to find other sustainable solutions to this problem that does not punish taxpayers who are already paying their fair share. So, we start this holiday season knowing that the power is with the people.

Please note that I, along with Freeholder Romano and Councilwoman Mason, will be holding our Toys for Tots giveaway for Hoboken children on Dec. 23 and my Holiday Bingo for seniors on Dec. 27. For more information visit my website at, call me at (201) 714-4960, or email at Together, we can, we will, watch us make a difference!

Assemblyman Carmelo Garcia

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