Thanks for the love and support

Dear Editor:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank some of my family members and friends for all the help they are giving me since my recent hip replacement operation. My grandson George 3rd, sons Robert and Will, and my daughter, Judith. I would also like to thank friends Joe and Marie DeMartine and everyone in the senior citizen garden club and Florence Tarantino.
The outpouring of support, food, and well wishes helped get me through the tough parts and pain. I very much appreciate everything that everyone did for me. I could not have gotten this far without all the help and support and phone calls to check on me. I still have a lot to get through. It has only been a few weeks, but with all this love and support from all of you, I will be up and out again.
Thanks a lot to everyone.

Madeline T. Geier

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