Elwell’s return has Tom Troyer singing

Dear Editor:
I thought I’d have some fun with all the questions being asked of me ever since my letter to your column. The curiosity circulating in town, now that former Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell is back in town after serving 30 months in federal prison, is amazing. To have some fun with this topic and get in the Christmas spirit as well, I placed words to the tune “Jingle Bells.” The words to this song will be my answer to the questions asked of me at this point. Rest assured, there will be more to come, as this event plays out.
In the meantime, sing along with me to the tune of “Jingle Bells:”

About two months ago, Elwell was let out,
Low profile he did keep, not a word or peep.
But now the news is out, he’s seen around and about.
What will he do, what does all this mean,
Now that Elwell’s back and on the scene?

Elwell’s back, Elwell’s back,
Elwell’s back in town.
Oh what fun, will Elwell run,
Now that he is back in town?

Can he run, will he run,
It’s got Gonnelli, thinking.
Time will tell, then Tom will tell,
He knows how both are thinking.

Tom Tryer

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