Board of Education Election

Dear Editor:

In the end it was the political machine, with support from the Mayor, City Council President, other City Council members and 6 of the 9 Board of Education Trustees that secured seats on the BOE. It was money (big money) coupled with political support for an incumbent from Council Members, the County Freeholder and the past Assistant Superintendent that secured the other seat on the BOE.
I am proud of the campaign that I ran. I received support in each and every Ward throughout this community by running a grassroots effort of knocking on doors, speaking to parents at every school, listening to the most vulnerable and gathering ideas and solutions on how we can build a best in class education system from Teachers, Administrators, CFO’s, Accountants, Education Lobbyists, residents who work in Public Policy and many, many concerned parents and residents. All folks that said they want to get involved.
I may not have secured a seat on the dais, but I consider myself a winner!
Thank you to those residents, friends and neighbors that supported me during my campaign. I am humbled by your belief in me and the democratic process. To my son and my husband, thank you for your unwavering support, for taking care of me and helping me to remain positive and motivated during the long campaign.
I will continue to advocate for ALL the children in this community and promise to not let you down.
Perhaps, in the end I will be more effective in making the changes that are needed by NOT securing a seat on the BOE!

Educationally yours,
Lynn Danzker
Proud Hoboken Resident of 18 years, mom, wife, business owner and most importantly; Child advocate

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