In memory of Chief Agostini

Dear Editor:
The fire service has the great grace to be one of society’s truly altruistic professions. The fire service exists to help, save, protect and keep safe the lives and property of the communities served. Every member of every community served by firefighters is safe in the knowledge that help will come whenever the fire department is called.
Firefighters leave a large but almost invisible foot print on society. Firefighters come when called, extend extraordinary effort under life threatening conditions, complete the mission and then pick up and leave.
Over a twenty five year career Bob Agostini performed the duties of firefighter, fire captain and battalion fire chief with great distinction.
Battalion Chief Robert Agostini was a fire service leader who went about the fire and rescue with a rare combination of courage, commitment, loyalty, intellectual curiosity and sense of service all informed by an endearing and riotous sense of humor.
Above and beyond the great service Bob performed for his community it must be recognized that Bob was a family man. Bob Agostini was a loving son, father, husband and brother.
Bob spent his life doing for others. Chief Agostini gave his life as the result of action savingthe lives of others.
Dedicating a plaque is a worthy and beautiful tribute to the memory of Chief Agostini.
Years down the road, I envision a rookie firefighter reading Bob’s plaque turning to ask one of the veteran firefighters “Who was this Chief Agostini guy?” The veteran firefighter would put a heavy hand on the rookie’s shoulder to guide ‘the kid’unceremoniously down into a chair at the kitchen table. The vet would begin with the highest compliment any firefighter could give another. “First off, kid…Bob Agostini was a great firefighter.” The vet’s comment would,with little doubt,be followed by hours of “There was this one time when….” Bob Agostini stories.
Robert Agostini cast a long shadow within the light footprint of the fire service.
Anyone who knew or worked with him was always better for it.

Chief of Department (Ret.)
North Hudson Regional Fire & Rescue

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