Sister Miriam Teresa Demjanovich S.C. to be honored

To the Editor:

Many times in today’s troubled world people look for signs that miracles can and do happen. We have heard in the news about individuals lighting candles, bringing flowers, and praying in front of a tree where they claimed to have seen the image of the Blessed Mother. People travel long distances to pray for special intentions or intercessions for themselves or loved ones.
A miraculous cure of a young boy in New Jersey with incurable macular degeneration, whose sight was restored to perfect vision, was attributed to the intersession of Sister Miriam Teresa. Sister only needs one more miracle attributed to her to be canonized a Saint. To learn more about this cure and Sister Miriam Teresa, you can go to the web site of the Sisters of Charity
Often, we are so busy in our hectic lives that we may overlook our most important blessings. As Sister Miriam Teresa wrote on Religious Humility, “Realize that everything you have you owe to God – life, faith, health, talents, virtue, vocation.” Recently, I spoke to many individuals regarding her amazing life and story and was surprised to learn that most people have never heard of her, or knew that she was from Bayonne.
The Beatification of Sister Miriam Teresa will take place at The Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, NJ, on October 4, 2014. The following day, Sunday, October 5th, St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church, 15 East 26th Street, Bayonne, NJ, will be having a Liturgy of Thanksgiving to seek the intercession of Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich at 3 p.m. Following the Liturgy there will be a reception at the church hall. Sister Miriam Teresa was Baptized, Confirmed, and made her First Holy Communion at St. John’s Parish.
Try to attend this special event to honor Blessed Miriam Teresa and to pray for your special intentions. Please call the Rectory at 201-339-1840 or email if you are able to attend.


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