Should Councilman La Pelusa’s wife screen his calls?

To the Editor:

I’m not sure if anybody wrote a letter to you regarding Councilman La Pelusa putting his home phone on the city website, but it’s kind of weird having to talk to the councilman ‘s wife. Sorry, I mean, having your call screened by the councilman’s wife.
If she was the elected official I would have no problem, but I don’t feel that it’s proper. Having to fully explain everything to her while she is not the person in office is just wrong. Do the first ward residents have to be screened by Mrs. Cotter? I think not.

Bayonne Municipal Committeewoman

P.S. – Can you believe for the past two weeks, they were over a day late picking up our garbage? Not just mine, but entire blocks on Avenue B … Gross (and smelly – unless you like the way hot garbage smells.)

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