Congratulations to former law enforcement officers

To the Editor:

I am taking this time to congratulate Mayor Jimmy Davis, Council Member At Large Juan M. Perez, Councilmember Gary La Pelusa, and Director of Public Safety Robert Kubert.
I had the honor of working for many years in law enforcement with former Captain James Davis, former New Jersey State Police Captain/Sheriff Juan M. Perez, and former Police Chief Robert Kubert. These three professional law enforcement officials brought pride and honor to the State of New Jersey, County of Hudson, and the City of Bayonne. Their law enforcement ability, professionalism, honesty, and integrity are above reproach and they all were a credit to the departments they served in their careers.
The people of the City of Bayonne are fortunate to have these individuals, either in elected or appointed capacity. We wish them all of the best and may they be granted the strength and stamina to make Bayonne proud and move the city in the right direction.


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