Feed Your Body … Not The Fatigue

Do you constantly feel tired and run down? Do you sometimes feel like you’ve had the life sucked right out of you? We all feel tired or downright exhausted from time to time. However, if your fatigue is getting in the way of normal day-to-day activities, you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue.

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Your body does not discriminate when it comes to stress. Whether you’re suffering from physical, emotional, or dietary stress, your adrenal glands release cortisol. Overuse of the adrenal glands and overproduction of cortisol can lead to adrenal fatigue. While symptoms vary, folks suffering from adrenal fatigue (AF) may experience fatigue, hormonal imbalances, blood sugar problems, lack of sex drive, and emotional imbalances.

Feed Your Body … Not The Fatigue

Diet has a huge impact on adrenal fatigue. AF patients often suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Therefore, you want to eat foods that pack the most nutritional punch. The following diet suggestions will help you feed your body, not the fatigue.

Bone Broth
Bone broth is quite simple, and you can make it in large batches. You can even freeze it to use later. This article explains how to make a good bone broth at home. Loaded with minerals, it has endless health benefits. Consume daily for maximum results.

Sea Salt
Unlike refined table salt that elevates blood pressure and causes water retention, sea salt is a nutritional salt that provides essential minerals. It does not, however contain iodine, so take an iodine supplement. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass water every morning. In addition, use sea salt on your food.

The more vegetables the better! Aim for around eight servings of organic vegetables every day. Vegetables are loaded with nutrients that the AF patient desperately needs.

Avoid Fruit
Fruits are loaded with sugar, and that is the last thing your body needs right now. If you can’t live without fruit, limit your fruits to those with a low glycemic-index, such as tart apples or cherries.

Nutrient and Fiber-Rich Carbohydrates
Quality carbohydrates are important. Instead of quick-burning carbs from sugars, opt for foods such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, and chia.

One last tip? Always remember to eat before 10 AM. This ensures the energy supply your body needs to start the day. Make it a point to eat small meals throughout the day – keeping blood sugar levels stabilized.

Adrenal fatigue can be frustrating and downright scary. However, you don’t have to face it alone. We are happy to offer you a free consultation where we can map out a personalized plan for your recovery. In the meantime, could you use a little more motivation to eat healthier? My nutrition Ebook is filled with expert advice to get you started. Download it here: http://bit.ly/atlasnutrition


Tony Ortiz is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Pharmacist and owner of Atlas Drug and Nutrition at 8416 Kennedy Boulevard in North Bergen, New Jersey.
As an anti-aging specialist, Tony often helps people dealing with complex or “vague” illnesses when traditional providers are at a loss. His website http://atlasdrugandnutrition.com, also provides practical help for people struggling with weight gain, hormone imbalance, diabetes, or high cholesterol. Request a free consultation today. Have a question you’d like to see addressed here? Tell Tony via the contact page on our site.


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