Union City High School hosts 150 professionals

Annual Career Day offers students a glimpse into the future

Union City High School conducted its sixteenth annual Career Day on May 29. It was a day of information and opportunities for students to explore various careers.
Approximately 150 speakers, including alumni, Hispanic and Latino Associations, and governmental agencies, shared their personal occupational journeys.
A wide variety of careers was presented to the entire student body in both English and Spanish. Every student had an opportunity to attend three sessions of his or her choice.
The students heard firsthand how to achieve success, what education is required, and also had an opportunity to ask questions from someone actually working in their field of interest.
Presentations included artists, photographers and fashion designers exhibiting their work, chefs preparing meals, cosmetologists applying make-up, chemists and scientists conducting experiments, and musicians and dancers performing.
Also, the day featured U.S. customs officers demonstrating their K-9 Unit, as well as accountants, attorneys, journalists, engineers, social workers, firefighters, policemen, stock brokers, psychiatrists, doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, business people, representatives from the entertainment industry, FBI, Secret Service and many, many more.

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