Police chief removed

JERSEY CITY — Mayor Steven M. Fulop on June 26 sent a letter to the City Council notifying them of his removal of Police Chief Robert Cowan as head of the police department citing the administration’s wishes to make further structural changes within the department, implement best police practices and improve morale. The removal will be effective 20 days from notification per state law and will be the first of several administration changes after year one in office.
“I want to thank Chief Cowan for his service and commitment to the Jersey City Police Department” said Mayor Fulop. “Particularly, he helped address an historic low number of officers in the department by redeploying personnel, dealt with our ongoing safety and infrastructure concerns at the Port Authority’s Global Marine Terminal due to heavy truck traffic, implemented safety measures during the Super Bowl, and worked with the Pulaski Closure Planning Team to develop a citywide traffic mitigation plan.”

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